Our Commitment to Diversity and Anti-Racism
Jun 17, 2020
I wanted to share the information I shared on my social media pages and email newsletter regarding the Blessful Body's stance on social justice and racism. Like so many, I am outraged and saddened by the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breanna Taylor and the numerous other black people who have needlessly died due to racist and inequitable systems.
I have been working on this message for days, hoping to craft the perfect words, and of course perfection isn’t possible. Once I remembered yesterday that perfection isn’t an option, I realized that the quest for perfection only leads us to be paralyzed with fear and inaction, which is the exact opposite of what we need to be doing right now.
So accepting that this will be imperfect, I first want to express empathy and compassion for all of the people of color in my greater community. I acknowledge all the pain you must be feeling and the injustices you have endured. I stand with you.
I am working to make the Blessful Body more inclusive and equitable. I hold this as a core value personally, have educated myself about inequity (especially health disparities), and focused on highlighting those inequities in the Kinesiology courses I taught at San Jose State University.
I know enough to know that I know very little about racism, discrimination, and the experiences of black people in the world and the Pilates and yoga industry.
I haven’t educated myself enough nor done enough, and it’s not acceptable. I wanted to share with you my thoughts on what I am planning to do.
First, If you are confused how racism and inequity is related to health and wellness I invite you to consider that the Pilates and yoga communities (and myself) often discuss holistic wellness which includes body, mind, spirit, and emotions - as well as numerous external factors like social, economic, environmental, and financial domains. Racism impacts every aspect of wellness, and is expressed in negative health outcomes for people of color.
For the first week of June 2020, I have taken the #amplifymelinatedvoices challenge and am not releasing any original content so that the focus can be on BIPOC voices. I instead shared information from POC creators on my accounts.
I am also taking steps to implement longer term changes and actions in the Blessful Body, including these:
- EDUCATE. I am prioritizing educating myself about racism, discrimination, and how to create a business that is anti-racist.
Just as I continually invest substantial amounts of money and time in continuing education courses that relate to movement, meditation, and breathwork, I will now be including courses in anti-racism, discrimination, and bias awareness.
I will also be lobbying the organizations I am affiliated with (Balanced Body, Pilates Method Alliance, and Yoga Alliance) to include these types of courses in their teacher education programs, requirements, and CEC’s.
WORKSHOP - I am beginning with 2 workshops designed for fitness and wellness professionals. Anti-racism for Wellness Professionals: How to Show Up Better by Chrissy King and Introduction to Anti-Racism for Pilates Studios and Instructors with Sonya R.Price Herbert.
I am also focusing on LISTENING and READING works on anti-racism that have been recommended by BIPOC anti-racist educators. I am starting with Me and White Supremacy by Layla F Saad, How to Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram Kendi, White Fragility by Robin Diangelo, Radical Dharma by Rev. Angel Kyodo-Williams
-REFLECT. The reflection component of this work is one that can be easily overlooked but it is crucial for me. Without reflection, it’s too easy to look at these as external issues without truly examining how I benefit and support this structurally racist system. This is how I will be examining my own biases, uncovering my failings, so that I can do better. How will I be reflecting?
I am renewing my commitment to my MEDIATION and JOURNALING practice, and holding my intention in my Pilates and yoga practice to uncover and expose those areas in myself that need some attention.
-ACTION. Without inspired action reform can never occur. This is the part of my plan that I know will evolve as time progresses and I receive input and ideas from my community.
In the immediate I am SIGNING petitions (www.justiceforbigfloyd.com/#petition, www.standwithbre.com/#petition) as well as peacefully PROTESTING in my community.
I will be DONATING 100% of profits from the Blessful Body membership for the month of June to the NAACP, and including anti-racist organizations in my charitable giving in the future.
For the longer term I will be including anti-racism in my program evaluation and internal decision making process. With every program or content I create I often ask myself if this is holding up the vision and mission of the Blessful Body, now I will be explicitly considering how equitable something is in that decision-making process, and I will be seeking out the input of diverse consultants and teachers (and compensating them for their work) as well.
For more information about actions to take I recommend this article, 75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/what-white-people-can-do-for-racial-justice-f2d18b0e0234
I am sharing all of this with you for accountability. Just as I recommend that you use support partners to help you on your journey to more health and fitness, I am relying on you to keep me accountable.
Remember that your strong core is not just a physical component of yourself - but provides you a strong connection to your heart and courage. I know that you have the strength to voice your love and stand up for your beliefs.
Sending you much love,
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