Pilates, Stress Relief, and Pilates Teacher Training


If you're ready to get stronger, bust stress, and deeply care for your body, I'm the teacher for you!


I teach mindful core focused Pilates and yoga workouts, Pilates teacher training workshops, and mindfully embodied stress management programs that energize and transform body, mind, and spirit.

Which of these sound familiar?


You're here because you...

  • Need short, effective Pilates workouts to build strength and flexibility in just minutes a day.
  • Need a strategy to deal with stress so you can have more focus and peace in your life.
  • Are tired of fitness gurus focusing solely on weight loss and making you feel less than perfect.

If any of the above sounds like you, you're in the right place!

I'm Ky Russell, MA

Balanced Body Master Pilates Instructor, Mindful Fitness Researcher, Educator, and Trainer

I'm here to help you care for yourself with all of the energy you put into caring for others! If you're like most of the students and teachers I've trained, you devote the majority of your energy and focus into caring for your family, clients, and causes you support. I have coached thousands to integrate mindful Pilates workouts and stress relief techniques into their busy, stressful lives – helping them feel amazing and energized!

I want you to also become free to actively and enthusiastically live life on your terms and...

  • Build strength in your body from the inside out.
  • Align your body, mind, and spirit to relieve stress.
  • Live a life or create a business filled with purpose and joy.

Stronger | Calmer | Joyous

As a busy working mom I understand how challenging it can be to give yourself even a moment to focus on your needs. That's why I developed my Blessful Body® Pilates virtual studio and mind and body fitness de-stress system. Effective and efficient courses and workouts that give more vitality, focus, strength, and endurance.

Through my work as a Pilates teacher trainer, kinesiologist, dancer, and yogi I have dedicated myself to honing my craft as a world-class trainer, researcher, and educator. I currently teach as faculty at San José State University, as a Balanced Body Master Pilates Instructor, and for my virtual Pilates membership, the Blessful Body Pilates Hive. Please check out my blog and podcast for my latest insights and current research on Pilates, yoga, stress management, mindfulness, biomechanics, and exercise.

I look forward to sharing and working with you. I believe that the care we give to ourselves lays the foundation for all the loving care we can give to others. The world needs us to access and spread our love and compassion for ourselves and each other (and to have as much fun as possible while doing so)! 

Much love,


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